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Birds I've Identified

I am Cornelius. Since I was almost 7 years old I have loved learning about birds. I made up two flamingos, Cloe & Apricot. They will teach you things throughout the bird world. 

Mourning dove Lincoln, CA

American white pelican Sacramento Zoo

American flamingo Sacramento Zoo

American flamingo Sacramento Zoo

A flamboyance of flamingos Sacramento Zoo

Mandarin drake and hen St. James' Park London, England

Umbrella or white cockatoo SeaQuest Folsom, CA

Budgerigar parakeet SeaQuest Folsom, Ca

Keel billed toucan "Mango" SeaQuest Folsom, CA

California Quail Lincoln, CA

Indian peafowl Lincoln, CA

Spotted towhee Colfax, CA

Mallard Drake & hens Lake Tahoe, CA

Mallard drakes and hen Lake Tahoe, CA

Western gull Monterey, CA

Anna's hummingbird Lincoln, CA

Canadian goose with goslings Lincoln, CA

Great blue heron Lincoln, CA

Male East African ostrich Sacramento Zoo

Mallard hen with ducklings Disneyland, CA

Acorn woodpecker Lincoln, CA

Dusky grouse hen Lake Tahoe, CA

Egyptian geese with goslings, St. James' Park, London
Red crested pochard and Eurasian Coots, St. James' Park, London
Scarlet macaw, Oahu, Hawaii
Lesser flamingos, Oahu, Hawaii
Canadian geese, Lincoln, CA
Call duck drake and hen, SeaQuest, Folsom, CA
Kookaburras, SeaQuest, Folsom, CA
Bald eagle female, Oakland Zoo
Bird facts:  Lesser flamingos are the smallest of the Phoenicopteridae family. They live in Africa. They are the second rarest flamingo behind the Andean flamingo.
Lesser flamingos, Oakland Zoo
California Condor, Oakland Zoo
Common merganser duck, Lake Natoma, CA
Peahen with peachicks, Folsom Zoo, CA
Leucistic white peacock, Folsom Zoo, CA
Turkey vultures, Lake Natoma, CA
Tufted puffin breeding, Monterey Bay Aquarium, CA
American avocet breeding, Monterey Bay Aquarium, CA
Long billed curlew, Monterey Bay Aquarium,CA
African penguin, Monterey Bay Aquarium, CA.
Brandt's cormorant, Monterey Bay, CA.
Canadian goose Lake Natoma CA.
Mallard Lake Natoma CA.
Canadian geese Lake Natoma CA.
Bird Facts:  Bald Eagle is the national bird of the U.S.A. There are 2 sub species of the Bald Eagle; Southern, and Northern Bald Eagles. Unlike most birds, female birds are larger than male Bald Eagles.
Southern Bald eagle "Alec" Lake Natoma CA.
Canadian geese the flying V Lincoln CA.
American Pekin Stow Lake Golden Gate Park San Francisco, CA.
Duck family Golden Gate Park San Francisco, CA.
Mallard, American Coot, and Ring Necked Ducks, Golden Gate Park San Francisco CA.
Duck family Golden Gate Park San Francisco, CA.
Sandhill Crane, Lodi CA.
Aleutian Cackling Geese, Lodi CA.
Black necked Stilt, Lodi CA.
Gull family, Capitola CA.
Aleutian Cackling Geese, Greater white fronted Geese, and Snow Geese (white morph) Lodi CA.
Sandhill Cranes and Greater white fronted Geese, Lodi CA.
Great Egret, Lodi CA.
Merlin, Lodi CA.
Northern Shovlers, Lodi CA.
Brown Pelicans, Capitola CA.
Greater white fronted Geese and Snow Geese (white morph), Lodi CA.
American Kestrel (Northern), Sac. Ntl. Wildlife refuge CA.
American Kestrel (Northern), Sac. Ntl. Wildlife refuge CA.
American Kestrel (Northern), Sac. Ntl. Wildlife refuge CA.
Western Meadwlark, Sac. ntl. Wild life refuge CA.
Greater white fronted Geese, Sac. Ntl. Wild life refuge CA.
Northern Pintails, Sac. Ntl. Wild life refuge CA.
Snow Geese (white morph) and Greater white fronted Geese, Sac. Ntl. Wild life refuge CA.
White crowned Sparrow, Sac. Ntl. Wild life refuge CA.
Green winged Teal, Sac. Ntl. Wild life refuge CA.
American Coot, Sac. Ntl. Wild life refuge CA.
Tricolored Blackbird, Sac. Ntl. Wild life refuge CA.
Ring necked Pheasant, Sac. Ntl. Wild life refuge CA.
Bufflehead ducks, Sac. Ntl. Wild life refuge CA.
American Kestrel (Northern), Sac. Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
Snow Geese (white morph) and Greater white fronted Geese, Sac. Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
Great horned Owl, Yolo Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
White tailed Kite Yolo Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
Cinnamon Teal Yolo Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
Trumpeter Swans Yolo Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
Gadwall, Sac. Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
Black crowed night Herons, Yolo Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
American Bittern, Yolo Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
Sandhill Cranes, Lodi CA.
Red shouldered Hawk, Yolo Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
American Kestrel (Northern), Sac. Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
Common Raven, Yolo Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
Sandhill Crane, Lodi CA.
Common Goldeneye male, Lake Natoma CA.
Black Phoebe, Sac. Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
American Roben, Lincoln CA.
Cedar Waxwings, Lincoln CA.
Cedar Waxwing, Lincoln CA.
American Robins and Cedar Waxwings, Lincoln CA.
American Robins, Lincoln CA.
Aleutian Cackling Geese, Lodi CA.
Aleutian Cackling Goose, Lodi CA.
Candian Goose, Rocklin CA.
Sandhill Cranes, Lodi CA.
Snow Geese (white morph)  and Snow Geese (blue morph), Lodi CA.
Eurasian collared Dove, Discovery Bay CA.
Turkey Vulture, Sac. Ntl. Wildlife Refuge CA.
Black necked Sitlts, Rocklin CA
American Wigons and American Coots, Rocklin CA.
Sandhill Cranes, Lodi CA.
Sandhill Cranes, Lodi CA.
Sandhill Cranes, Lodi CA.
Aleutian Cackling Goose, Lodi CA.
Aleutian Cackling Geese, Lodi CA.
Greater Yellow legs, Lodi CA.
Sandhill Cranes, Lodi CA.
Cackling Geese, Lodi CA.
Sandhill Cranes, Lodi CA.
Aleutian Cackling Goose, Lodi CA.
Aleutian Cackling Geese, Lodi CA.
Aleutian Cackling Geese, Lodi CA.
Great Egret, Lodi CA.
Aleutian Cackling Geese, Lodi CA.
American Kestrel (Northern), Lodi CA.
Sandhill Cranes, Lodi CA.
Sandhill Cranes, Lodi CA.
Eurasian collared Dove, Discovery Bay CA.
Sandhill Cranes, Lodi CA. 
Great blue Heron, Discovery Bay CA.
Double crested Cormorant, Discovery Bay CA.
Double crested Cormorants, Discovery Bay CA.
White breasted Nuthatch Lincoln CA.
Black crowned night Heron, Snowy Egret, and Great Egret Lincoln CA.
Bufflehead Ducks, Lincoln CA.
Great blue Heron, Lincoln CA.
Black crowned night Heron and Snowy Egret, Lincoln CA.
Double crested Cororant, Lincoln CA.
Red shouldered Hawk, Lincoln CA.
Northern Mockingbird, Lincoln CA.
White breasted Nuthatch, Lincoln CA.
Northern Mockingbird, Lincoln CA.
Quails might look cute, or funny, but they are more than just that. Cali Quails are the state birds of well, California. They tend to live in or near parks in Cali's valley, and only males have the little crown sticking up on their heads. Their chicks are tiny little quails. Both adults and chicks hide in bushes, or behind trees for safety. They are also easily startled, so it's best to keep your distance, just like for most other animals. Have fun birding with your friend, the fabulous Cali Quail!
California Quail, Lincoln CA.
Yellow Billed Magpie, Old Town Sac, CA
Northern Cardinal, Central Park New York City.
Brant goose.jpg
Brant Geese, Liberality Island, New York City
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